Tuesday, May 25, 2010

John Cena --- South Africa Love YOU!!!

There is no bigger name in South Africa than John Cena. Everywhere we went, everyone we met knew who John Cena is and many other wrestlers and/or fighters whose names escape me.

I only know John Cena from the movies I've seen but I did see him in line at Starbucks up at the lake--he seemed like a regular guy.

Everyone needs to pray that John Cena will see this video and agree to come with us to South Africa to give the people a thrill of a lifetime, just to meet him, take a photo with him or just wave to them from his car.

John Cena is larger than life and would be a huge boost to Build The Future as a ministry, not to mention for the people of South Africa. If anyone reading this blog knows John Cena personally, please suggest that he watch the video below. We need to start a campaign to get John Cena to South Africa!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Constant Improvements at Ebenezer

This is going to be Tommy's house, Pastor Thomas and Sister Shirley son

Miles painting the main building, when we drove up he was teetering on the board on top of 2 barrels (no OSHA in SA?)

New offices for Ebenezer Care Centre

Refugees at Ebenezer

They have sleeping areas where the elder care used to be

They refugees have their own cooking area

Pastor Thomas and Sister Shirley have taken in refugees from other countries who have found their way to Ebenezer---having no other place to go. There are people from Uganda, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe and other countries in Africa. This is very unusual to take in refugees without controversy from neighbors but Ebenezer Care Centre is very well known for helping anyone and everyone!

Elder Care at Ebenezer

Making a new bathroom/shower room onto the elderly housing area, thank goodness we brought a "level" for Pastor Thomas to help them keep the walls straight.

Meeting the School Bus

There are so many children living at Ebenezer that they must rent a whole bus to transport the kids to school and back each day. A very high cost initially but it is worth the money for their education.

Kids at Ebenezer

Miles' youngest son (can't remember his name)


Old Friends at Ebenezer

Pastor Thomas was hoping that we could stay at Ebenezer for a week so that Rob could help diagnose and fix all the vehicles for them. They brought him a piston to look at, Rob said it was cracked. Pastor Thomas said that all 4 of them were cracked so Rob promised to look on the internet for replacement parts.


Phillip and Pastor Thomas

Security guy

Orphan Units

All the comforts of home. An adult is housed in each orphan housing unit to care for 4-6 orphans; much like a pseudo family. There is running water and electricity in each unit; on their wish list is a bathroom in each unit. But, for now, they will use the community bathroom.

Ebenezer Bakery

Look, there is water in the bakery!

Bread proofer

Large dough mixer

Baking ovens

Ebenezer Care Centre 2010

Entrance to the new community center and offices.

The building is large, roomy and has easy access to the kitchen

Pastor Thomas is always busy building and moving things around. He has built a new church/community center where he can preach the gospel on Sundays and feed the over 200 residents at Ebenezer Care Centre.

Children in the Creche at Ebenezer

All the babies less than a year are orphans.

There are now over 100 orphan children living at Ebenezer with more and more children and babies being dropped off each week.