Monday, May 24, 2010

Doris- TB Caseworker

Doris was a lovely woman we met in Motsoaledi, who walks through squatter camps in Soweto handing out TB medications to those who are infected. She takes detailed notes on each patient, where they live, were they taking their medications and how their physical health was in general. She spent time walking with our "medical team" (Jerry, Rob, Cynthia, Choliswa, Gogo) because she was familiar with the people who were sick in the community; although, Gogo was very well informed as to who was sick too. We met several people who had TB and HIV Aids but Doris explained that she ONLY wrote down notes on the people with TB because it is an unwritten rule that you DO NOT write down who has HIV AIDS because of the stigma that comes with people knowing . . . same as anywhere else in the world.

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